10 Nov 2022 Author:

SAB has reiterated its commitment to driving a culture of responsible consumption in South Africa in partnership with Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality

On 4 November 2022, SAB in partnership with the Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality (BCMM) handed over one mobile Alcohol Evidence Centre (AEC) to King Williams Town Traffic Centre in Qonce.

With 10 brick and mortar AECs already handed over to various South African municipalities across the country, these centres make South Africa’s roads safer by empowering authorities to enforce regulations with world-class infrastructure and technology to help process drunk arrests. Additionally, the mobile AECs will aid authorities in their fights against drunk drivers across the province with the ability to move around to multiple hotspot zones

“Together with Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality, SAB believes more interventions need to take place to make South Africa’s roads safer. Our mission is to partner with traffic law enforcement partners in trying to combat road fatalities, this has been made possible through interventions such as the Mobile AEC’s.” says Tinumzi Lubelwana, SAB’s Regional Corporate Affairs Manager  

Since inception over a decade ago, AEC’s have become crucial in helping law enforcement test suspected drunk drivers and confirm their breath limit using Evidentiary Breath Alcohol Testing (EBAT) and registered medical practitioners. The AECs are all fully equipped to also ensure that the evidence is properly collected and admissible in court. 

Quinton Chetty, Commander of Traffic Services at the Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality says  “This investment from SAB is an extension to an existing investment and partnership that was done by SAB into a Alcohol Evidence centre Office in East London Launched in November 2021, SAB further sought to enhance its relationship in Road Safety with BCMM by procuring a Mobile AEC. The Mobile AEC will be the first of its kind in the Eastern Cape, which will further improve on road safety within the Metro”

Today the Buffalo City Metropolitan Traffic Services in partnership with SAB is honored to launch the Mobile Alcohol Evidence Centre as this forms part of our road safety partnership in creating safer roads in our Metro. This vehicle will become an asset of the Metro and although the vehicle will be stationed King Williams Town it must be strongly noted that the added advantage is that the unit is not static and can be utilized as and when required throughout BCMM.

“The unit will be utilized throughout the year, not only during the Festive & Easter season operations. It will not only be used for law enforcement but also to create awareness of driving under the influence. This initiative will form part of the Traffic Services and SAB road safety partnership in creating safer roads in our Metro.” Adds Chetty

The handover of the one Mobile AEC at King Williams Town Traffic Centre falls in line with SAB Sharp, a responsible consumption platform from where SAB can direct its efforts to create a more responsible drinking culture in South Africa.

According to Lubelwana this AEC handover falls in line with SAB’s broader ‘Responsible Drinking Goals, which is a set of programmes and initiatives focused on shifting social norms, consumer behaviours, and business practices. Developed alongside public health officials, these goals reflect our belief in evidence-based solutions and that independent, rigorous and transparent measurement and evaluation are key to progress.

“Our goals are also designed to be collaborative and evolving. Working in partnership with public health bodies, civil society, and governments, we aim to implement evidence-based approaches, uncover new ways to reduce the harmful use of alcohol and act upon them. The AECs are an incredible testament to this approach and proves that it is working,” concludes Lubelwana.



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